BP 2002


March 3-7, 2002
Budapest, Hungary
[Early morning light]
Boromisza, Tibor: "Early morning light"


Dear Colleague,

We would like to announce the BUDAPEST'2002 Workshop on 'Quark and Hadron Dynamics in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions', to be held in Budapest, March 3-7, 2002. The Workshop will be located at Hotel Sunlight (41 Eötvös Str, Budapest, 1121), at the top of the Széchenyi Hill, with a scenic view towards the city of Budapest, 20 minutes bus-trip from downtown.

This Workshop is organized with the aim to bring together specialists in the field of parton physics, hadronization in heavy-ion collisions and dynamics of hadronic matter. The Workshop offers a possibility for theoretical physicists to display their results and to discuss them in detail. We intend to invite a few experimentalists as well, to show and summarize the most interesting recent results in heavy ion collisions at different energies. We plan to schedule several (6-7) topical sessions consisting of about 4-5 lectures lasting 30 minutes leaving ample time for discussions. Attendance will be by invitation only and limited to 35 participants actively working in the fields listed below:

- The first 1 fm/c at RHIC energy (low-x, saturation, QCD, pQCD)
- Thermalization and chemical evolution in partonic systems
- Testing hot dense colored matter in experiments
- Hadronization of parton gas and quark matter
- Reconstruction of the hadronic final state at RHIC
- Phase transitions of nuclear matter
- Hadron properties in dense partonic and hadronic matter

We expect participants to arrive on March 2 (Saturday). The Workshop will begin on March 3 (Sunday) and will adjourn on March 7 (Thursday) in the late afternoon.

The basic participation fee is estimated to 200 EUR, including all meals from March 3 morning until March 8 morning, banquet and Proceedings. At the Hotel Sunlight the participants will receive a special rate of 180 EUR/6 nights in a single room or 130 EUR/6 nights/person with double occupancy. Correspondence should be sent by e-mail to the address: BP2002@SUNSERV.KFKI.HU Detailed information about the Budapest'2002 Workshop (locations, participants, program) can be found at http://bp2002.kfki.hu/ .

Looking forward to a stimulating and fruitful meeting,

T. S. Biró, T. Csörgõ, P. Lévai (chair), G. Papp and Gy. Wolf
the Organizing Committee

In case of any questions or comments, please contact the organizers at

bp2002@sunserv.kfki.hu .

Regular address:
KFKI RMKI, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
H-1525, Budapest 114., POB.49. HUNGARY
Phone: (+36)-1-392-2731; FAX: (+36)-1-392-2598;

- Last updated on January 27, 2002 -